

  • Primate
  • Average Height: Male, 5.6 feet, Female. 5.2 feet
  • Lifespan: 140 Years
  • Speed: 8 kph
  • Scientific name: Homo Sapiens
  • Sight: Light Perception
  • Sexual Dimorphism: Yes
  • Diversity: High
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Language: Genetic and Typological

To describe humans quickly would be impossible. Some call them a plague upon the galaxy, others consider them its saviors. One thing is for certain; however, they are everywhere. From the small solar system of Sol, they spread out across the galaxy like wildfire in a crowded and dry forest. Current estimates suggest that they make up as much as twenty percent of the Galactic population: considering there are dozens of species that call the Milky Way home, this is a remarkable number. As of the 450s on the New galactic Calendar, there are two nations that are predominantly human: The Coalition and the Earth Empire. They are large minorities in the Valkyron Union, Allied Republic and Draumrfold Dominion.

They are not the smartest, strongest, or even most prolific species in the galaxy, but they are persistent and unpredictable. Many species liken humanity to fire, for like fire humanity consumes a great deal, burns down everything they touch and reshapes it into an image of their own design. That is not to say their presence is wholly negative. When the Earth Empire first came to power, the convention was a loosely aligned group of economically tied species: they warred often and united for almost nothing. Humanity took it upon themselves to alter the shape of galactic politics, and that they did.

Within a thousand years of the human’s entrance into the Galactic Community they had retooled the governments of a dozen species to their will, utilizing their immense influence for growth, expansion and eventually defense against truly terrifying enemies. The Geksheeshans, the greatest threat ever face by the convention species, were laid low by Human military might, the religious extremist Selmarks were vanquished by human hands, and finally even the Convention fell to the Imperial fleet. Today the Galaxy is very much a political landscape of Humanity’s design. Government bodies are no longer grouped by species – today a Geksheeshan, Ansakazi, Sigma, Altera, Lektherman, or Goration may call themselves Imperial, Union, or Coalition citizens.

Make no mistake, humans are volatile, violent, and vicious, but so are most species. What makes them so powerful is their adaptability. For example, the FOXP2 gene in human DNA predisposes them to speak any spoken language in the galaxy – even some of the extremely difficult ones like Lektherman, which is guttural clicks and hisses as opposed to spoken words. In addition, humans are considered beautiful by most species in the Galaxy, their smooth skin, and curves often highly desired by certain alien species such as Geksheeshan, Goration and Ansakazi. Despite their hostile tendencies their ability to empathize is immense, allowing them to communicate and cohabitate with alien species. All these things, and more, have gifted humanity with their spot as kings of the Galactic community.

One thing is for certain, the future of the Galaxy most certainly includes humanity, and in many ways, humanity is the vanguard of the Milky Way’s future.


  • Primates
  • Average Height: Male: 1.95M Female: 1.8M
  • Lifespan: 160 years
  • Speed: 45kph
  • Scientific name: Homo Primate
  • Sight: UV Light Perception
  • Sexual Dimorphic: Mild
  • Diversity: Mild
  • Diet: Omnivorous
  • Language type: Italic
  • Home World: Lunniri, South Sanctum-Crux

The Gorations are an advanced, longstanding, and ancient civilization: having been spacefaring since the early 1930s on the Gregorian calendar. In figure, they are almost all white, with white or blue hair, and almost no variety in skin tone or eye color. They are so genetically like each other that even their genders are hard to tell apart, with male and female Gorations being considered both beautiful, slender, and agile. Aside from the various necessities associated with their reproductive organs, male and female Gorations are nearly identical. By human standards they look far more feminine, and by Geksheeshan standards they look masculine. This has led to the misbelief that they are mono-gendered, which is untrue.

Culturally the Gorations are unique. Until the Earth Empire conquered their nation during the Pan-Galactic War, the Gorations were equitarian amongst themselves to a shocking degree. They accomplished space flight only two Earth Decades after their industrial revolution, and they had FTL capability only two centuries later, setting the record for fastest pre-industrial to interstellar species in the Galaxy. From their architecture to their personal morning routine, Gorations are obsessed with beauty. They must look stunning: makeup, plastic surgery, art, poetry, and more are booming industries to this day, in their area of space. This had a nasty side effect: they once bought and sold sapiens abundantly. Slavery is a pastime the Gorations still indulge in, however illegal it may be. They take people of beauty, keeping them as slaves to be admired and enjoyed. While the lives of Gorations slaves are hardly bad by slavery standards, most of the Galaxy agrees that it is still reprehensible.

Historically, as mentioned, the Gorations have had very few internal conflicts. Amongst them Wars are an ugly thing, and they consider it an ugly deed to engage in them. However, this has not stopped them from engaging in such atrocities upon other species. While they joined the Convention early on, they found themselves in conflict often with the humans and Ansakazi. To protect their culture and values, they spent most of the 3000s in conflict with the species they preyed upon.

Today the Gorations occupy a small area of the Sanctum-Crux arm of the galaxy towards the southernmost edge of the galactic core. They are no longer an autonomous state, but a commonwealth of the Coalition, of whom they are a founding member. They hold an impressive deal of influence over the Coalition government, as they are the largest minority in the nation. However, they can be found in the badlands and the Earth Empire as minorities. Despite their checkered past, we expect them to play a significant role in the future of the Milky Way Galaxy.


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  • Squamata
  • Average Height: Male: 1.4 meters, Females: 1.5 meters
  • Lifespan: 220 years
  • Speed: 96kph running speed
  • Scientific name: Homo Lepidosauria
  • Sight: Echolocation/UV perception (secondary)
  • Sexual Dimorphism: Yes
  • Diversity: Moderate
  • Diet: Carnivorous
  • Language type: Sinitic
  • Home World: Xua’Katan
  • The Geksheeshan species is one of the most widespread, making up almost fifteen percent of the galactic population, though that is a rough estimate only. Humanity and Geksheeshans have a shockingly well entwined history, and gene pool. In addition, they control one of the most powerful and most ancient empires in the galaxy. They also have a colorful and warlike past, and a biological imperative to conquer. To describe them in two pages would be a disservice to their culture, heritage, and history, but I shall endeavor to do my best.

Culturally the Geksheeshans are matriarchal, viewing the male of the species as weaker and less capable. Unlike other species, this never dissipated as their technology grew. In fact, men are often considered second class citizens, viewed as sexual objects to be toyed with and discarded, and to stay at home and nest, rather than work or own land. An entire revolution was born of this, and the Selmarks, a patriarchal version, rose from the ashes. However, they were far worse, enslaving Geksheeshan women and any other species they considered to be inferior. To this day, the Geksheeshan Imperium is the only galactic nation that does not recognize equal rights between men and woman, choosing to ostracize their men, and keep them subordinate.

Genetically, they belong to the Squamata, noted by their scales, movable quadrate bone, and low body temperature. However, this is not to say they are from Earth. Their home world of Xau’katan is a large moon of a gas giant orbiting a red supergiant called Wen, in the Alicante 8 cluster, in the south Scutum-Crux arm of the Milky way galaxy. They evolved to be extremely fast, but not particularly strong, relying on massive bursts of velocity to catch and devour prey. At some point they even had poison in fangs: though that is the case no longer. They are bipedal – which has been the source of discussion and controversy. Most aliens in the galaxy are, to some degree, bipedal. Geksheeshans, however, look remarkably like humans. In fact, to crossbreed with humans requires only a pill to alter the PH of the sexual fluids. They also share this ability with Ansakazi and Gorations. This has led to a great deal of interbreeding between the species over the past few thousand years. Aside from the fact that the two species look remarkably alike, they also share over 98.9 percent of the same DNA. There are many conspiracy theories surrounding this, though no evidence exists to support them. Many people believe the same asteroid that implanted Earth with life also gave rise to life on Xua’Katan.

History, for the Geksheeshans, is more violent and vicious than any other species in the galaxy, including humanity. Their small world is marred by ten thousand years of warfare. They have caused not one, but two apocalypses on their world and survived. On the human calendar they reached the stars in 1840s Gregorian, taking their warlike ways with them. The Imperial court, Empress and her subjects clashed with the Convention powers once or twice a century, expanding their power every time. When the Selmarks rose and threatened to overthrow their government the Convention was eager to help them. In doing so the Selmark threat became a centennial conflict as well.

It was not until Nina Campbell rose to power in the 34th century Gregorian and faced the Geksheeshan threat with the fledgling Earth Empire, did the Geksheeshan conquest come to an end. Today the Geksheeshan Imperium is the oldest and most powerful government still in existence: an archaic relic of a bygone era hanging onto the might they once possessed. Though the Imperium is not the only place one may find Geksheeshans.

For the past three thousand years immigration and conquest has spread them out across the stars. They can be found in the Coalition, Valkyron Union and Earth Empire as large minorities, and they have a presence in the Allied Republic and the Badlands. While most do not share the Geksheeshan prejudicial culture, many view their misandry as a species wide problem, and avoid them, often leaving Geksheeshans as a rather disenfranchised minority in many parts of the galaxy.


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  • Primates
  • Average Height: 3.6 meters
  • Lifespan: 370 Years
  • Speed: 70 kph
  • Scientific name: Homo Lupin
  • Sight: Light based
  • Sexual Dimorphic: High
  • Diversity: Extreme
  • Diet: Carnivorous
  • Home World: Rakal, Orion-Cygnus arm

One of the oldest species in the Galaxy, the Lycanth were the third race to become space fairing. Around the year 1000 BC, the Lycanth launched their first interstellar vessel. Known for their curiosity, friendly demeaners, and large size, the galactic community soon came to know them as friends. While the Saleema and Ansakazi offered them a place in the Convention, they were the first major species to be refused a position as a seated member of the Convention. As a result, the newly arrived aliens were taken advantage of for many thousands of years.

The slaver eras of the Convention, when the Saleema were still allowed to engage in such behavior, were rough on the fury behemoths. Lycanths made great slaves for working hard jobs, due to their immense size and physical prowess. As such many worlds were culled and enslaved by the Saleema. When the Lycanth fought back in the Lycanth-Saleema war of the early 400s Gregorian, they earned fear from the Convention. The Slaeema were on the verge of being overthrown when the Convention Council intervened and stopped the Lycanth from going further.

Angered by their favoritism The Systems Alliance (The Lycanth Nation) pulled back from their role in the convention. Until the Geksheeshan-Convention war of the 1850s Gregorian, the fury race of beasts was mostly ignored. They became the backbone of the Conventions heavy artillery units during the Grand Galactic War that lasted from 1852 Gregorian to 1877 Gregorian. The Geksheeshans were eventually defeated when their queen was killed. For their efforts, the Convention ruled it a crime to enslave the Lycanth, in any way shape or form. Though this promise was ill kept.

When the Pan-Galactic War came to an end, the Systems Alliance were one of the first Convention Nations to Join the Twin Crown Alliance, however the Convention decimated it in the Four-Centuries war leaving the Lycanth homeless for some time. The Empire were extremely kind to them in their hour of need, offering them asylum as the war came to a close. As a result, the Lycanth are most common within Imperial borders.

Standing roughly twelve feet tall with thick fur of a myriad of colors, Lycanth are the tallest of any alien species, and the second heaviest, clocking in at around Eight-Hundred kilograms or one thousand and seven hundred pounds. Their nose is their most effective sensory organ, and they possess a sense of smell beyond that of any other species in the Galaxy. They also have green eyes, that can see in the dark, and hearing the excels all but the Geksheeshans. Despite their massive size, they often have a generally relaxed demeanor, and are loyal to the end.